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Giving Thanks

I always emphasize to the nonprofit organizations who I work for the importance of saying “Thank You.” I encourage them to thank their sponsors, donors and volunteers at every opportunity, both verbally and in writing, including thank you notes and letters. A prompt Thank You is the #1 reason that a donor, whether an individual or an organization, continues to give to a nonprofit year-after-year.

2023 is my 10th year as a consultant. Over the years, I’ve had so much support from many individuals. A huge thank you to them for their support and their valuable advice.

My spouse, who is also my very best friend, has always been there for me. It’s hard to believe that we celebrated our 39th year together this past July. My spouse has always supported me. Thank You!

To my friends and professional contacts, many who I have known for more than three decades, you have been a source of clients, counsel and inspiration. Thank You!

To those organizations I work for, some for more than eight years, Thank You! You are doing such important work. I encourage you to visit their websites to learn more about what they do and to make a donation. Here’s a link to my company’s current and recent clients.

This year has again been inspirational. Thank you to everyone who has provided me tremendous support in 2023.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and everyone who is important in your life.


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